Sunday, January 30, 2011


ICElephant, originally uploaded by knightsublime.


Silenzio, originally uploaded by Donna Francé.


Personal content was distributed over plain old telephone wires over a twelve hundred baud rate modem of 1200 bits per second, on a community bulletin board on PC Link, which ended six weeks later over DOS, and a Tandy 1000tx personal computer.
Ten years later my telephone provider offers a package of voice and data over a digital subscriber line; this particular model being Asymetrical DSL and becomes de facto my internet service provider still over POTS(plain old telephone service). Very experimental. Very incubated with the help of government subsidies in place for rural uses. A million subscribers can float a business model. Everybody wants in when it is FREE. Even the pirates. ICANN and Verisign go head to head in assigning dot com addresses the competition breathing hot and heavey.
Shakes out Rss is the preferred method of internet content management. Been done for ever. Since the Pony express. Rss. Where content is King.
Goes out Webopedia, and comes in Wiki Wikipedia; and it helps to know the workings of Radio Land, Wordpress, Wiki, etc. and how a hosted domain on the internet works. It isn't free, necessarily.
Slow Vs. Fast.
Biz Model rss button. webopedia into wikipedia and a way to dig through all the personal blogs competing for your eyeball. Delivery heats up. Ping vs. Pay, Pal. Satalite time ain't free mate. Last mile and all a that. 
Who said anything about satalites? What happened to POTS. Hahahahaha~ just stumble on over and tumble up what you want for content over the internet. But you better hurry cause it's going fast.