Zero Defects
Do you think a brown-out can harm the workings of my computer?Snow covered the Mountaintops here in the East. It was heavy and wet. Tree branches bowed under the white weight. The plow truck came through late, around 10pm., and I had to go out to shovel before it froze into one large ice mass behind my automobile.
It was late. It was quiet! Very Quiet! Every so often you could hear the groan and CRACK of another branch giving up the ghost and surrendering to Mother Nature. Two very large branches found their way onto my roof!
In the still of the morning, I could hear an unusual sound coming from my refrigerator. I opened the door, and the light was dim. The temperature controls did nothing to correct the problem. I figured I had waited to long before sweeping under, and behind the mechanical unit. I mean, it too, can only last so long before it gives up the ghost!
Cold in the house. I went to the wood stove and clicked the fan to HIGH! Little more than when it is on LOW. Why? Should I worry?
I went outside, with a wooden pole in hand, and started knocking snow off the power line that comes into the house. Would this help??
I turned on the light over the stove. It was the color of Brown...
That's when I decided to visit the neighbors. I do not take visiting the neighbors lightly. I am a Yankee. A Damn Yankee at that! For a Damn Yankee to visit a neighbor here in YankeeDom means something is drastically wrong. I knocked on their door.
Believe it or not, this is the very first time in my history to experience a BROWN-OUT. Not in the 60's, 70's, 80's, or 90's have I ever experienced a brown-out. Black-outs I can understand: the power goes OUT! KaPUT! Gone. Time to get out the batteries and flashlights, oil lamps and blankets. But, a Brown-Out??
I unplugged my computer just in case.