Hitch-Hike Hitch-hike Baby
Thanks for stopping by my little virtual paper mill
here in cyber space. If you take a moment to think
about the complexities of just how you got here, and
where you can go when you decide to leave (and it is
always your decision; to stay, or leave; turn the
channel, or turn it OFF; to VOTE, or not to VOTE!),
then you will begin to realize that the technology you
hold at your very finger tips is more, much more, than
just another electronic toy. The only question is: How
does one make it work? I mean, really work? Forget
globally. How does this thing work Locally? OR: How
can I make this thing work better?
In the daze ahead I will try to make sense of this
monster under my fingertips. Hope you will grab seat,
click a button, and feed your head.
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