Between Fear of Failure and Snare of Success
Between Fear of Failure and Snare of SuccessLife is about Change. Life is never static, and is always in a state
of modification of one sort or another. How one deals with change
is the by-product of a personality's Nature verses Nurture. Then it
is a simple matter of how well one uses what one was born with,
and blending that with the 'experience' of what one has been brought
up to have, thus becoming the personality one is.
Of course, the above paragraph is, by far, an oversimplification of the
matter at hand. But, the truth of the matter is, striking a balance
between Fear of Failure, and the Snare of Success is far better
than purely one, or the other.
When approaching change in circumstance that Life presents from the
standpoint of Fear of Failure, a personality might be overcome by
an inability to ACT simply because there is a fear of failure.
At the other end of the spectrum, there is the ability to ACT,
but it is always buffered in relation to a personalities position
at the moment. It cannot act spontaneously, and is locked into modes
of conduct permitted only by the layer of status that success obtained,
and therefore, a personality blocks out change.
consider the following:
An opportunity presents itself where the nature of the opportunity
is NEW. There is nothing to compare it to, and is untried and untested.
This opportunity suggests a payoff of One Million Dollars. Very appealing
to any personality.
Now, the personality afflicted by fear of failure won't act for fear of
failing. The personality afflicted by the snare of success won't act simply
because of the comparison with what is already obtained. The tried and true
verses a complete unknown. A bird in hand verses two in the bush, so to speak.
Here, we can begin to get a picture of the true entrepreneur. This personality
has the ability to accept change. To flow with the currents that Life has
presented at any given moment. To process those currents as information, and
then act spontaneously upon them. This might bring to mind the Far Eastern
philosophy: Bend like the willow. Or some such mallarky.
Read the book, saw the movie, got the album, have the hat.
See U nexxtime!